视觉与表演艺术系代表了两个致力于大学创造性活动的学科的整合: Art and Theatre. 通过其训练有素和经验丰富的教师, 学校提供深度课程,帮助学生为成功的职业生涯做好准备. The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.艺术和戏剧学位与学士学位一起提供.A. 艺术学位(辅修)或教师资格证和B.A. in Theatre with a Minor. 在其他院系攻读本科学位的学生也可以选修艺术辅修课程. 该部门的成员和部门设施被安置在两个建筑物中:约翰T. Biggers艺术大楼和大学礼堂/Ollington-Smith剧场.
The primary mission 视觉及表演艺术系旨在为学生提供丰富的艺术及戏剧学术经验. 这两门学科的教学和应用是独立的, 这意味着任何一个领域的学生都能得到他们想要和应得的全部关注和艺术指导.
In the area of Visual Arts, foundation studies, theories, 创造力是包括设计在内的广泛课程的基础, drawing, ceramics, printmaking, painting, sculpture, and exhibitions.
戏剧学习经历包括戏剧,技术舞台独奏表演. 这两个领域的课程都旨在培养专业的艺术家、表演者
Faculty members in the Department are committed to providing an educational environment where aspiring visual and performing artists and craftsmen develop in the understanding and mastering of creative techniques; where all students may gain an appreciation of the cultural, historical and educational values of the arts; and where cultural awareness translates to the community.